Fall Baking Day

I spent Saturday in West Bolton, VT (WeBo?) baking with a few of my friends – that, to me, is the best way to spend a chilly Saturday laced with rain. I’ll just let the spread speak for itself (“If we’re going to eat, let’s really eat!”):

[SP’s pumpkin scones with cinnamon chips and crystallized ginger: not pictured, unfortunately]


Corn chowder (SP)




Rolls made from Peter Reinhart's sandwich bread recipe (from Artisan Breads Every Day) (SP) shaped as knots and fans




Closeup of the fan-shaped roll



Buttery, soft crumb - love it when the rolls pull apart like that!



KAF poolish baguette (NH) steamed using the magic bowl, v.2 (i.e., giant disposable roasting pan)! No crumb shot, sorry.




Hamelman's miche, Pointe-à-Callière using local flours, scaled to 2.5lb (JL)



Another shot of the miche



Miche crumb shot - much tighter than what I expected (hydration hovers around 82%) but I think this is because my starter wasn't vigorous enough when I assembled the final dough, and I didn't let the second rise go for long enough. I should have refreshed my starter instead of using it straight from the fridge... next time. Slightly sour, very wheaty aroma and taste. I'm curious to see how this tastes the next day when the flavours have had a chance to "mellow."



Six-stranded honey vanilla challah (JL)



and of course, apple pie! (NH) Crust made with local flours and filling made with local Northern Spy apples.



* * *

I did not get a chance to write this post until today, and so was too late to submit it for World Bread Day, hosted by Zorra. (!!!) I’m looking forward to seeing the roundup though! In the meantime, I will send these baked goods to Susan at Wild Yeast for YeastSpotting.

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5 Responses to “Fall Baking Day”

  1. Jie Jie Says:

    They all look yummy !!
    Specially the baguette it is my favourite.

  2. MC Says:

    Gorgeous breads all! Great scoring on the miche…

  3. Elise Says:

    Gorgeous!! I have to ask you about the miche – do you use a bamboo banneton or a plastic one? I have plastic ones and I can’t seem to get them out without them sticking badly to it no matter how much flour and oil I put on the inside. So the loaves never end up as round as I want them to be. There’s always one or two weird ragged sections from where I had to yank the dough out of the rising basket.

    Also I’ve had that same problem with my starter not being vigorous enough. I recently left a sourdough loaf on the counter rising almost 24 hours because the starter was so sluggish. The crumb was still quite tight, but the long rise really helped.

    • toxobread Says:

      Hi Elise,

      I use a cane-based round brotform from brotform.com that someone had given me as a present, but I also have two plastic oval brotformen to proof batards. What I’ve noticed is that regardless of whether you are using a cane or plastic brotform, the best way to prep it is with a 50/50 mix of all-purpose flour and rice flour. The rice flour is a bit gritty and will help with the release. I’ve never used oil in my brotformen – only the flour mix, and if there’s any moisture in them (e.g., if I’ve been retarding them in the refrigerator overnight), I simply leave them out on the counter to air dry before putting them away. Or… before baking a few more loaves. 🙂

      I think the starter problem was my fault because I hadn’t refreshed it before using it in the final dough. It’s as though you got woken up from a long, deep sleep and were asked to work full throttle! I just have to remind myself to “wake it up” before my planned baking day.

      Hope this helps, and thanks for dropping by my blog!


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